Valentine's Day Is 2/14

Perfect Match System

Two Steps To Perfection

Our customers love the Perfect Match system because it gives them the freedom to express themselves through their wedding set. You don’t have to choose between a unique engagement ring and a well fitting wedding band. Clients have loved the ability to have a comfortable wedding set without sacrificing the aesthetic they desire. Visit Us today and we can help you find your perfect match.


As an After Midnight Jewelers customer, you will receive 20% OFF both of your wedding bands with an engagement ring purchase.

Step 1.

Get Fitted With Our Patented Contour System

As an After Midnight Jewelers customer, you will receive 20% OFF your wedding band with an engagement ring purchase.

Step 2.

Choose Your Wedding Band Style

Once we determine the matching curve for your wedding band, you can choose from 26 popular diamond settings styles or four shadow band styles. If you want further customization, our custom jewelry design team can create the exact piece you want.

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